As a partner of Belgian Development Cooperation, ARES provides, for nationals of his 31 partners countries, scholarships for bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes, and continuing education courses in Belgium, which feature training that specifically addresses issues related to development.

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For the 2025-2026 academic year, 200 scholarships await applicants. One specialized bachelor’s degree programmes, ten specialised master’s degree programmes and six continuing education courses will be provided by Belgian higher education institutions in Belgium (EPHEC, ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles, HE Vinci, ULB, UCLouvain (Bruxelles Woluwe, Louvain-la-Neuve et Saint-Louis – Bruxelles), ULiège, et UNamur).

Applications can be submitted and will be accepted through 18 October 2024 at 12pm.

Admission criteria

To apply, candidates must have earned a higher education degree and demonstrate at least two years of work experience.

Duration of training

ARES scholarships offer the chance to pursue a specialised bachelor’s or master’s degree programme lasting one year, or a 2-to-6-month continuing education course within a higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, in Belgium.

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MORE INFORMATION? : The exact details, list of eligible countries, information on admission criteria and scholarships amounts are available on the page dedicated to scholarships on the ARES website (English version).

