Goals of Research Projects for Development (RPD)
- Strengthen the research and dissemination capacities of partner institutions.
- Address, through research, local, national or regional development issues, going beyond the academic world.
- Strengthen basic, oriented and applied research.
- Ensure the diffusion and, where applicable, the practical use of research results.
Keywords : Research – Dissemination – Excellence centre
Goals of Training Projects for the South (TPS)
- Strengthen the capacities and teaching offer of partner institutions.
- Validate new pedagogical approaches and adapt the programmes in key areas for the development of the partner institution or of the local, national or regional society.
Keywords : Training – Academic outreach
Watch the video to know more about RPD - TPS
Who can submit a proposal and what is the minimum partnership?
The project must be submitted by a member of a higher education institution (HEI) in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF) and empowered by this HEI to coordinate the project, with at least one partner in another HEI in WBF and one partner of an HEI from a country included in the list below.
Every WBF coordinator can only submit one project per call.
Eligible countries?
- In Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal.
- In South America and Caribe: Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Peru
- In South-East Asia: Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam.
3 or 5 years.
- Maximum 350 000 € for 3-year projects.
- Maximum 500 000 € for 5-year projects.
Call details
Download the call document.
How to submit a project?
- The project must be submitted online via GIRAF.
- You don’t have a GIRAF account? Create an account.
- The link to created a preproject form is provided by the contact person for cooperation of the HEI from which the project coordinator comes. The form must be opened by the WBF coordinator of the project proposal.
- Deadline to create a preproject form through the link: Friday 28 March 2025 at midday.
- GIRAF guide for the candidate (only in French).
Preproject proposals must include:
- The project data (identification sheet), the contact details of coordinators and partners and the project summary, to be provided through the GIRAF form.
- The project proposal form, duly filled.
- The indicative budget canevas, duly filled.
- CVs of coordinators and partners.
- For projects linked to a previous RPD or TPS project, the self-evaluation report of that project.
These documents will be uploaded in pdf through GIRAF.
Selection criteria
- Scientific and pedagogical quality.
- Relevance to development.
- Quality of the intervention strategy.
- Connection with local strategies and other cooperation activities.
- Adequacy of budget breakdown to the proposed intervention strategy.
Selection process
- Verification of the administrative admissibility.
- Analysis by a committee of external experts based on the selection criteria.
- Opinion of the General Direction for Development cooperation (DGD) and diplomatic missions in eligible countries.
- Analysis and selection by the bureau of the International Cooperation Commission (ICC).
The pre-project proposals that are selected will be the only ones eligible to submit a full project proposal.
Synthetic calendar
13 January 2025 |
Launch of the call for preprojects |
11 April 2025 at midday |
Close of the call and submission of the proposals through GIRAF |
18 April 2025 at midday |
Validation of the proposals in GIRAF by higher education institutions (HEI) |
September 2025 |
Selection of preprojects |
16 October |
Information meeting on formulation, for selected preprojects |
Mid-October 2025 – beginning of February 2026 |
Formulation of full projects |
2 February 2026 at midday |
Submission of full projects |
March 2026 |
Validation of full projects – approval by the ICC |
April 2026 |
Approval of full projects by the executive board of ARES |
September – December 2026 |
Start-up of projects |
Reference documents
- Vademecum and mobility guide.
- List of eligible countries.
- List of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
- Detailed calendar.
- List of annexes.
- Thematic JSFs and geographical JSFs.
- List of on-going ARES activities.
- Pre-project evaluation grid.
- Project elaboration guide.
RPD-TPS assembly tutorial
More information: contact the team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.