On 15 and 16 April 2024, ARES welcomed to Brussels international relations officers from Swiss higher education institutions and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB). The aim of this meeting, co-organised by ARES, Movetia and Swissuniversities, was to strengthen understanding of the respective higher education and research landscapes, to encourage the exchange of expertise and to develop academic collaboration between the two regions.

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The event kicked off with two sessions delving into the higher education and research landscapes of both the FWB and Switzerland. Speakers from both regions presented insights into the structures, key players, and mechanisms of collaboration in their respective higher education and research sectors, and offered an overview of academic collaborations between Switzerland and the FWB.

The next session was devoted to funding mechanisms to support academic and research collaboration between Switzerland and the FWB. Representatives from various organisations provided valuable information on the funding opportunities available to support mobility and research partnerships, highlighting the variety of possibilities that exist, despite the fact that Switzerland is not part of the Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe programmes.
Attendees then took part in interactive workshops to discuss micro-certification and development cooperation programmes.

The second day began with a session dedicated to strategic partnerships, during which representatives from Swiss institutions and the FWB shared their experiences and perspectives in implementing and managing different partnership models, namely European universities, consortia such as the G3 de la Francophonie, and joint degrees. The speakers also highlighted advice and good practice for institutions wishing to develop similar partnerships. This session enabled participants to gain a deeper understanding of the potential benefits and complexities that can be encountered in strengthening strategic collaborations between Swiss and FWB institutions.

Participants were then able to listen to and exchange views on programmes designed to facilitate student mobility. In addition to internship opportunities, new mobility formats were discussed, in particular BIP programmes (Blended Intensive Programmes) and summer schools. Participants explored the practical aspects of implementing and managing these programmes, discussing best practice and innovative approaches to improving student mobility experiences.
Finally, through a workshop based on the SWOT analysis methodology, the participants reflected on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with collaborations between Swiss and the FWB higher education institutions. Through these discussions, actions were identified that could further strengthen collaborations between Swiss and FWB institutions.

These two days of exchange continued, for some institutions, into a third day dedicated to inter-institutional visits, where Swiss institutions had the opportunity to meet FWB institutions on their campuses. Overall, this meeting was a great opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of their respective higher education and research systems, share best practices, and lay the foundation for future partnerships.

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